We're still here, going strong, and planning for the future

I’m not sure why in late August we get inspired to add to our News Page, but it’s true, it’s been a year since we’ve posted here! Probably because August is a slow time for us in terms of guiding, a time of year when we spend lots of time planning and organizing for the year(s) ahead.

We have big plans for the future, but for now we are gearing up for our half-day scheduled trips in the Chicago area, which start this week. There are only a few spots available across the season.

Before the year is out, we Adam will be returning to Mexico for a tour that includes one of the world’s greatest migration spectacles, the River of Raptors in Veracruz; we have two short but great North American migration tours (Hawk Ridge, Minnesota, with Steve, and Cape May, New Jersey, with Jason); plus we will finally be running our very last pandemic-delayed tour, to South Africa with Josh! The cherry on top is a private tour, also with Josh, to Madagascar!

This past weekend, Josh helped lead trips for the Illinois Ornithological Society’s Shorebird Weekend. Our upcoming tour of Veracruz, Mexico, is with our friends from IOS.